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Trilostane Gourmeds Chew Tabs

Wedgewood Pharmacy

Starting at $122.50


$122.50 Each

Detailed Description


Trilostane is a synthetic enzyme inhibiting drug that is used to treat Cushing’s disease in dogs and cats. Trilostane decreases the production of excessive cortisol hormone by the adrenal gland. This disease is not cured by trilostane but can be managed successfully.

Before treatment is started, your veterinarian will perform routine blood-tests and a urinalysis, followed by more specialized blood tests to confirm the diagnosis of Cushing’s disease. Your dog usually will start to respond to trilostane therapy within two to four weeks.

  • Researchers report that trilostane is effective in about 80% of treated dogs. Although most dogs tolerate trilostane well, there is a wide range of individual variation regarding dose and your veterinarian will need to monitor your dog closely, particularly at the beginning of treatment.

Trilostane also may be used to treat Cushing’s disease in cats. Cushing’s disease is quite rare in the cat and it may not respond as well. Frequently cats with Cushing’s disease also have underlying diabetes mellitus. Trilostane does not appear to change their insulin requirements.

Trilostane was approved recently by the FDA for use in animals. In some instances the appropriate size and dose is not available from the pharmaceutical manufacturer, and in those circumstances, it may be compounded by a specialty pharmacy.

Trilostane GOURMEDS® CHEWABLE TABLETS may be prescribed for..

  • Canine Cushing's

Prescribed For:

  • Dog
  • Cat

One of the dosage forms available for Trilostane is Gourmeds Chewable Tablets. A Wedgewood Pharmacy exclusive.

Gourmeds ® tasty, chewable tablets contain natural, food-grade ingredients in fish and chicken flavors that pets love. Gourmeds are available for the most commonly prescribed compounded preparations, and may make administering compounded preparations easy for pet owners.

How to Give this Medication:

Give this medication to your pet exactly as your veterinarian prescribes. If you miss giving your pet a dose of trilostane, give the next dose as soon as you remember or, if it is close to the next scheduled dose, return to the regular schedule. Do not double dose to catch up.

Oral trilostane is absorbed rapidly and usually is given with food.

Wash your hands after giving your pet this medication.


16 strengths of Trilostane Gourmeds Chewable Tablets are available, ranging from 5 mg/tab to 120 mg/tab.

  • Store at room temperature
  • Wash hands after handling or wear gloves
  • Avoid contact if pregnant

Medications dispensed from Wedgewood Pharmacy are not for use in food or food-chain animals.

Side Effects:

Be sure to discuss any side effects with your veterinarian immediately. Particularly with a drug like trilostane, which affects hormone levels, side effects may be related to lower than normal hormone levels, causing metabolic disturbances. Your veterinarian may recommend discontinuing the trilostane until blood tests can be performed and analyzed.

The more common side effects include loss of appetite, lethargy, weakness, vomiting, and diarrhea. Rarely, fatalities have been reported.

Very rarely, trilostane can cause the adrenal gland to stop functioning totally. If this occurs, the change is permanent and your animal will need to be on lifelong supplementation of both corticosteroids and mineralocorticoids.


Keep this and all drugs out of reach of children. Trilostane is a prescription drug and should be used according to your veterinarian’s directions, and given only to the animal for which it was prescribed. Do not give this medication to a person.

Trilostane may affect the levels of some of the other hormones produced in the adrenal gland. There are some dogs in which trilostane blocks the synthesis of these other hormones (mineralocorticoids) more effectively than the targeted corticosteroid. These dogs are at increased risk for metabolic problems including dehydration, weakness, and abnormal serum electrolyte levels.

Trilostane is metabolized by the liver. It generally is not used in animals with liver or kidney problems. Trilostane should be used with caution in animals that are anemic.

Trilostane should not be used in animals that are pregnant or nursing.

Drug Interactions:

Be sure to review with your veterinarian any medications or supplements your pet may be receiving.

Potassium-sparing diuretics should be avoided because of potential high serum potassium levels.

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